• Are they really incorrect quotes? (12)

    Maurice: For a poet your language isn't very charming

    Arthur: Well for a painter your face is not what I would call a masterpiece


    Olk: Every group got his nasty boi

    Hakey: Ho my god not your fucking baby language again it's so fucking annoying i swear

    Mortéa: Found the nasty boi


    Hermès, whispering: They said that if you stares too much in the void, the void will stares back at you

    So: *stares at Scylla*

    Scylla: *stares back*

    So: Wow true


    If they had phones

    Paul: *sends a beautiful poem about how he feels for him*

    Arthur: *Seens: 3 AM ✓*


     Burning once more the neighborhood

    Snail: I'm a liberator of souls

    Albin: Mind to explain?

    Snail: Plato said body was the prison of the soul


    Charles: I shall now crave for death, therefore my body asks for an entire and immediate decay

    Léandre: What happened

    Coelio: He fell in front of his crush


    Nestor: Okay, time to debunk this scheme

    Anémone: Nestor please don't try to breathe underwater just to prove you're maybe the first amphibian human being


    Trying to let it go after her break-up

    Oattail: "Roses are red,

    Violets are blue,

    I hope a bullet will get through my head,

    Or maybe two"

    Oattail: *cries*


    Léandre: Are you okay? You've been in the toilets for two hours in a row

    Coelio: Please leave me alone it's the last place where i can be safe to meditate


    Under Hannah's balcony

    Arthur: Okay, now just let your heart sings for her. You'll see, love will inspire you

    Léandre: OK

    Léandre: *sings Despacito 2*

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